Monday, January 22, 2018

best friend forever

When we asked Luke what he wanted to do for his birthday, his response was immediate: "Chuck E Cheese."  When we asked who he wanted to invite, his response was immediate: "Audrey."  We are so lucky to have this darling girl in our lives.

Audrey made this card for Luke

Audrey made this bracelet for Luke.  They are very popular with the kids right now. She told me that the central coolers represent what Luke loves, Mario and Luigi, and the outer colours are her favourite colours. She said this showed that she and Luke would always be together.   💚💚💚

Monday, September 4, 2017


Every year since he started school at ACS in 2014, Luke has brought home books from the library that his teachers have painstakingly helped him choose based on his interest.  He's never shown much interest and more often displays extreme dislike of these books.  Last week, he brought them to me and asked me to read them to him.  Then he sat through a full reading of both books, commenting on parts of the 'story.'  Paul and I shared a look over the book and held back the tears of joy.

A day or two later, he delighted us even more when he brought his interactive (magnet faces) Angry Birds book to me and not only wanted it read to him but read the words that he recognised.  My heart did cartwheels.  

Sunday, June 18, 2017


He loves to take photos of himself.  If he finds a device left unattended, his first stop is the camera.  I'm just waiting for the day when he figures out how to post them on my FB page.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

johnny appleseed

Luke participated in an American Heritage project with the 1st grade class.  The students got to choose a figure/icon from American history or folk lore, research the character, and create a display.  The day of their event, they dressed in character and told about their character.  He was able to tell people, in a very soft voice, that Johnny Appleseed planted TREES!  I'll let you Google it and the others.  

This is Audery as the Washington Monument.

Ella as Amelia Earhart.

Ruby as Ruby Bridges.

I don't know this child but I liked his costume.

best friend forever

When we asked Luke what he wanted to do for his birthday, his response was immediate: "Chuck E Cheese."  When we asked who h...